Archive for update tag

Routie update 2.3 brings exporting to files, redesigned sharing view and more.

Posted on January 26, 2014 by Lukas under Routie | 2 comments

Routie iconToday, the 2.3 version of Routie ~ sports tracker was approved by Apple and you can download it from the App Store.

Export to file

The main feature this update includes is that you can get file exports of your tracks, right in the app. While it had been possible to get those exports from the website of your shared or uploaded route ever since version 1.0, some users found it too inconvenient, or didn’t know about it at all, so I decided to go the extra mile and build it right into the app itself. Now you can select your desired export type (GPX, KML, or KMZ) and perform an action (Open in another app, Send via Email, or Copy to iTunes File Sharing) with just 2 taps. In case you don’t know what the exports are good for, one interesting thing you can do with them is to open them in Google Earth right on your device, and view it in the 3D landscape.

Revamped sharing screen

The sharing screen was also somewhat fussy to understand prior to this version. Now, you have explanation of what exactly it means to Upload or Share your track, and what happens when you choose to do it. Also, you can now get the link of the track more easily, since it is displayed in a separate status cell.

Routie Sharing screen   Routie File Export

Example of a cycling track exported in kml and opened in Google Earth for iOS

KML export in Google Earth

This version also includes some minor improvements and bug fixes, most notably resolving the issue that might have caused Twitter sharing not to work for some users. I am confident that you’ll like it, so please, update and let me know what you think!

Routie for iOS 7 is ready, currently ‘in review’.

Posted on September 18, 2013 by Lukas under Routie | No comments

Routie is now fully optimised for iOS 7 and the update is awaiting Apple’s approval. I really wanted to finish it sooner, but there were some unexpected technical difficulties and everything took a little bit longer than I expected (as usually). Most of the stuff inside Routie was re-imagined for iOS 7 – it’s using 1-pixel lines inside most of the icons, all the graphics are flat and it heavily uses blur and translucency. Hopefully Apple will approve the update soon, so you can get it and see for yourself. Here are two screenshots to wet your appetite:


You can find out more about Routie ~ sports tracker here:, and download it on the App Store here.